Donnerstag, 8. September 2011

An interesting phone call on Day 7 of TFP

Today, I had the first inappropriate phone call at work (I started working at an ayurvedic wellness centre). A guy rang and asked in a round-about way for a 'special' kind of massage. He told me about his previous massage experience and went quiet detailed into how his body responded physically to touch. He asked me if I would give massages and got a little bit inappropriate. First I didnt klick on to it but then I think he was after some kind of reaction, but for some reasons, I didnt feel shocked at all. I actually felt quiet sad for him and I thought straight away of my commitment to seeing the innocence in everyone and to seeing their behaviour either as a call for love or act of love.

And this is what I want him to know:
Dear Mr so and so, I hear your call for love and I feel sad that you have to reach out for connection in such a way. I suspect that this kind of acting out behaviour is covering up a lot of pain and probably even guilt and shame for you and a much deeper lying wound. I have compassion for you.
My wish for you is to to find a way of uncovering what is really going on for that leaves you in such a desperate place that you feel you have to act like that. And I hope that whatever this wound may be healed so that you can learn to love and receive love in a healthy and meaningful way.
You are still an innocent child of God and I care about you. 

I think this is a powerful example of applying the principles of forgiveness. 

1 Kommentar:

  1. Wow. Yes, this is a powerful demonstration of forgiveness.

    You are a powerful teacher of forgiveness. The man was blessed to get you on the other end of the phone.


    P.S. I'm thrilled about your job! You will indeed be running sessions there one day I bet!
