Sonntag, 4. September 2011

Day 3 of TFP

Ok, so after a rather long and quite philosophical post earlier on, this one is going to be a short one. 
I am forgiving the f.....g driver who nearly run me over in his f....... BMW when i was cycling all peacefully through Berlin, singing along, on the top of my voice to my favorite song. I guess you woman (yes it was a woman!!!), were in such a rush to get home because you were running late and your husband has cooked a wonderful dinner just for you (for the first time ever) and you wanted to show him your appreciation and how much you love him by at least being on time (especially because you know his cooking is awful). So I really understand your urgency and I forgive you for nearly killing me as a result of it. I know that you were just acting out of love for your hubbie and I hope you two have a lovely evening despite of causing me a ‘near-death’ experience.
Writing this is actually making me laugh (out loud) which is attracting a funny look from the guy who’s sitting across the table from me. And he smiles. So writing this does not only lift my anger and makes me be able to laugh about it, it actually also makes other people smile.
Brilliant, what an amazing ripple effect of practicing forgiveness!!!

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