So the 30 days of the Forgiveness Project are over and I have to say I'm glad! Not because practicing forgiveness was a hard task (that came surprisingly easy), but because I dont feel the pressure to post something now every day (in fact I havent anyway but trust me the guilty cloud of I should was still hanging over me).
So, what am I left with....
First of all, I'm left with an immense feeling of pride for committing to something and following it through right to the end, despite moments of creative- and ego-crisises. This is a big thing for me because my old pattern is to quit and to run whenever a crises pops up and not to stick with it like I did here.
I also learned a lot about myself, especially that it is a lot easier for me to forgive other people and to see their innocence than it is to forgive myself and to see my innocence. But since it is the Forgiveness Project I am choosing to forgive myself for struggling to forgive myself. And actually there is no need for any forgiveness anyway because there is no sin, only love.
Being in a framework of practising forgiveness had a real impact on the amount of things I perceive that 'need to be forgiven', which was so much less than I expected. It's really weird, suddenly people dont seem to annoy me as often as they used to, conflict arises less often, I feel myself less agitated by myself and others, my self-criticing ego and self-doubts have quietened. I feel more blissful, content, joyful and loving towards myself and others.
Doing this project has also inspired me to do write more and to commit to more similar projects. So far I want to write something to with choosing love over fear, walking on the path of magnitude (rather than littleness) and the teachings of the course in watch this space!!!
And lastly, I want to express my appreciation and gratitude to everyone who has read my posts and walked the path of forgiveness along side me. Thank you for all your words of encouragement and your own thoughts and experiences and for allowing my to keeping my own forgiveness by giving it away.
As the course says: 'To teach is to demonstrate'. Let us al unite in becoming teachers and students of forgiveness and love.
Love to you all
Brilliant work Anna, love it!! xxx