Today I took a huge step forward towards my goals of being authentic, standing in my power and handing every situation over to the Beloved. Me and my manager sat together and talked about my work performance and how I feel about working in this place. I knew that we would have this conversation and all morning I kept asking for divine guidance and inspiration to 'know' how I feel about working there.
As we were talking I got this clear thought that I should move away from this job and make the path free for someone who can help my manager and the business to grow into its highest potential. I realised that I am not the most suited person for this job and I felt so relieved. I totally clocked on to how my ego would have wanted to me to fight and pretend that 'I am the best' and 'I can do the best job' but that is not true. My special qualities and gifts are more purposeful in different areas and I need to make room for someone who's special skills are suited perfectly for this kind of work. It would be pure self-will and ego if I would stay working there, just because my ego wants to make a point in being so special and different that it can do any job perfectly.
This was such a beautiful and humbling moment for me and I shared this with my manager. His eyes become so soft and gentle and we had a wonderful conversation about the various gifts and skills different people have and how it is our task to utilise them to their fullest in the given areas. I am simply not good with office work or other bureaucratic stuff, my gifts and talents lie with supporting people's healing process and helping them to grow into the highest they can be.
Me and my manager parted on loving and compassionate terms and I'm incredibly grateful that I've been blessed with the opportunity to hand my fears over loosing a job over to the Beloved, to have had an opportunity to stay in my middle and to teach love and not fear.
Although I'm out of work again and I notice fear creeping up around my financial situation I know that I needed to 'free' myself for something else. I dont know what this something else may be but I will be patient and have faith. (and breath.....) I have the niggling thought that my God wants me to take some even bigger risks in moving towards self-employment but that jump would be so huge like jumping over the Great Canyon and I'm not sure if I'm ready for this yet....we will see...
Err, wow! That seemed to just come out of the blue. What a day! You go girl. What a teacher of integrity.