Montag, 12. September 2011

All you need is love - Day 11

This morning, when I checked all my cyberspace correspondences, I watched again the video link from Duane O'Kane about spreading love on 9/11 and seeing how much love people have and are willing to give it away really moved me. I saw myself in the video and so many other friends from the Clearmind Community singing 'All you need is love' from the Beatles and I felt such a big sense of love, connection and gratefulnees (does that word actually exist??) that i had a few tears running down my cheeks. 

Seeing people reaching out and connecting with total strangers because they want to inject a little bit more love into our hearts and into the world was a good reminder of what is truly important for me in my life. No grievances, hurt feelings, the need to be right (or wrong), no money, status, or prestige, no 'perfect' body or job can EVER give me the same loving, satisfying and deeply happy feeling that I get when I connect with people from a place of love and really experience the heart to heart connection. It's an energy I've never found anywhere else (and trust me, I've been looking for it in all kinds of places - in the wrong ones usually).

As the Course of Miracles says, the only thing that's real is love. And so it is. 

Today, I choose to be mindful and grateful for all the love that is around me and I also decided to do a 30 Days of Love Project after this one. But coming back to the theme of this project, forgiveness, I think it ties in really well with the notion of love because, how can I love without forgiving. How can I see the innocence in someone when I still hold on to the belief that this person or situation has wronged or harmed me? How can I experience freedom from old beliefs that I have made up about myself, certain people or situations in my past in order to move towards peace and happiness? 

For me, forgiveness and letting go of the past (and the future) is a crucial ingredient to experiencing peace, love, joy and contentment in the present. And today I'm letting go of my worries about how to afford all the different training courses that I want to do, my thoughts and feelings about relationships, my shame and guilt about the things I have done in the past whilst in active addiction and my (mistaken) fear of not being loveable for who I am..... I am gonna let all of this go and fill myself up with gratitude and with the love from my higher power and from the people around me.

Ahhhh, that feels goooooooood. Try it yourself!

'All you need is love....'

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