Freitag, 12. August 2011


Boxhagener Platz 

Boxhagener Platz. 9pm. People on benches, lying in the grass. debating, discussing, drinking, talking, shouting, reading. some smoke. some just lie there. looking up in the sky. watching the full moon raise above the roofs of the Altbaus. watching the clouds form and disolve and different shapes and colours. the moon is glowing in its yellow white light, giving its embracing clouds a warm gentle touch of love. 
people speak different languages. people are different. people are strangers. yet right now, right here, they’re coming together. at this place, at this time. sharing a moment of unity. together. together on the Boxhagener Platz. 
it’s getting dark. light is shining through windows. windows are open on this warm summer night. they’re letting their light shine. a warm homely light that says ‘here’s is home’. ‘here is love’. ‘here are you’. 
the moon is rising higher and higher. its dark. the moon is glowing in its full beauty and mystique. it is telling the story of the world. the story of the people on this world. and it looks down on us with a smile. smiling about his knowledge of abundance. abundance for everyone. smiling at the children of the earth coming together, being at one in their difference. at one on the Boxhagener Platz. 
It’s late now. people are leaving. retreating to their homes, their nests. some dont have homes. some dont have nests. some want to drink the night away, some dont want the night to end. some dont care. the passage of time doesnt listen to anyone’s heart. nature’s clock keeps ticking. tick. tock. no regard for human’s desires. but here, time seems to stand still. here, time has lost its power over humanity.  here, people have regained their power over time. here, nothing matterns. here, at the Boxhagener Platz. 

1 Kommentar:

  1. Anna,

    What a lovely post to begin your journey with blogging. I love to write, and connect, play express and create. And sometimes just be. Thank you for taking this step - looking forward to so many more!

    Elloa xx

    P.S. Find me over at
